Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (floating), was developed by a neuroscientist named Dr. John C. Lilly. Some of Lilly's accomplishments included being the first person to map the pain and pleasure pathways in the brain, and the creating an entirely new branch of science aimed at interspecies communication. It was clear that Lilly had an infatuation with the power of the human brain. That led to one of the greatest discoveries of the century.
In the 1950's Doctors argued that the brain was biological and completely internal, meaning that it made no difference whether outside interference was present. Others claimed that if all external stimulation was removed, the brain would shut down and die. Lilly began constructing a chamber in order to find an answer. A mask was worn isolating sight and sound and the water inside the tank was heated, dissolving the sense of touch. What transpired next was truly astonishing.
To the surprise of all involved, the brains' overall performance actually accelerated. The lack of external stimuli caused the right side of the brain (creative) to be awakened like never before. The left and right sides of the brain worked together synergistically and a new chapter in neuroscience was written. However, this was just the beginning.
Once the world caught wind of Dr. Lilly's discovery, many improvements were made to his design. Filtration enhancements, improved soundproofing, and light isolation were amongst a few of the upgrades. Research began to take place, testing the mental and physical benefits of floatation therapy. The high level of epsom salt content inside the tank was shown to aid in multiple regenerative components as well. Reports began flooding the media, heralding the floatation tank as the next big thing in the health and wellness field.
Athletes like Carl Lewis and the Superbowl winning Dallas Cowboys made headlines through their use of the isolation chamber. It would appear that anyone could reap the benefits of this amazing treatment... But that was not the case. How could a revolutionary tool of this magnitude not be recognized the world over? Terms like Isolation Chamber, or Sensory Deprivation Tank were alienating and simply not catching on. It didn't help that many people compared float tanks to meat lockers. This would soon change.
Something had to be done. A discovery of this magnitude had lost traction and dwindled into one of the worlds best kept secrets. It would take a complete innovation in design. An environment that welcomed everyone. A rich new set of features that made the world of floating inviting for all. Finally, after 60 years of progress, a new chapter in the health and wellness industry is being written. One that is designed just for YOU.