-As the pressure of gravity is relieved from your muscles, built up tension decreases, helping every muscle in your body relax like never before.
-Complete isolation of all senses while inside the pod, lowers the sensory input of sight, sound, and touch, calming the nervous system, which in turn lowers overall blood pressure levels.
-Studies show that an hour long session of floating is equivalent to approximately four hours of deep sleep.
-The zero gravity environment experienced while floating, relieves built up pressures and tension on the back and neck. As they are no longer fighting the pull of gravity.
-The National Institute of Health reports that anywhere from 68 to 80 percent of Americans are magnesium deficient. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) used in flotation therapy is absorbed by the skin, elevating magnesium levels.
-Endorphins, a natural occurring chemical in the body, triggers positive emotion and pain relief. Endorphins are released while floating, providing the body with a sense of elation, critical for fighting off migraines and headaches.
-Our senses are continuously bombarded with external stimuli all the time. After a session in the floatation pod, your body has a chance to reset. Studies have shown increased visual acuity, improved tactile perception, accelerated auditory sensitivity, and an increased taste palette long after the float session is over.
-While floating in a deep relaxed state, blood circulation improves, advancing the growth and regeneration of muscle tissue.
-The high concentration of epsom salt (1000 lbs) dissolved in the float tank will draw out harmful toxins, easing swelling and inflammation.
-Endorphins activate nk cells (natural killer cells). Nk cells kill the defective cells in your body that can hinder your immune system.
-Floating in a pool of water this dense will completly support your body, allowing increased blood flow to your joints and soft tissues.
-Stress is correlated with increased levels of cortisol. Work, poor dieting, especially coffee drinking, hard gym workouts, or anything that disturbs the bodies natural balance will cause increased levels of cortisol production. Flotation therapy has been shown to reduce overall levels dramatically.
-Your body is floating in a zero gravity environment and your brain is no longer busy trying to process multiple sensations at once. The mind is left to explore. Free to explore your inner self.
-Mental Clarity As endorphins are released throughout your brain, anxiety lessens and the brain begins to produce theta waves causing you to visualize more vividly.
-Time in the pod allows the mind to be free from all external distractions. While floating, your mind can absorb new information quickly and on a very deep level. The learning process is accelerated while in the theta state.
-The enhanced theta brainwave state experienced while floating allows access to the right side of the brain. Commonly associated with increased alertness, creativity, mental clarity, problem solving and learning.
-Floating promotes a synchronization between the left and right sides of the brain. This synchrony results in enhanced information reception and processing.
-Floating reduces bloodstream levels of stress chemicals such as ACTH, epinephrin and norepinephrin for up to five days.
-Free from gravity's pull, temperature, touch, sight, and sound. Floating "resets" the bodies hormonal and metabolic balance. Within as little as 15 minutes, floating can induce a meditative state equivalent to that of a skilled mediator with many years experience in meditation technique.
-Stress levels are usually high when trying to overcome an addiction. While floating, your body relaxes completely as Epsom salt replenishes depleted essential minerals. Endorphin "feel good" hormones are naturally produced. Anxiety and depression loosen their grip allowing you to feel at peace. You have insight to your recovery path and can clearly visualize your goals.
**-Naturally occurring chemicals released by the brain, endorphins are responsible for relieving pain and enhancing our overall mood. The increase of endorphin production while floating often leads to feelings of euphoria.
-Epsom salt increases the number of digestive enzymes in the pancreas. This also strengthens the walls in the digestive track which will help release toxins.
-Magnesium prohibits arterial hardening. It also improves oxygen utilization. Both combined will increase blood circulation.
-Magnesium has a controlling influence on cell adhesion and the transmembrane transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell walls.
-Epsom salt is made of magnesium and sulfate. Sulfate is a key factor in forming proteins inside your joints. This is easily absorbed by the skin while floating. Magnesium is required for biochemical reactions your DNA and RNA need for synthesis (replication).
-Many Americans do not have a proper balance of calcium to magnesium. Magnesium assists in balancing calcium levels in the body. A healthy 2:1 ratio will promote the strengthening of bones and help prevent osteoporosis.
-Epsom salt boost electrolytic regulation, which in turn enhances the function of the nervous system.
-Epsom salt, when absorbed through the body helps voluntary (muscle) and involuntary (heartbeat) movements.
-Magnesium is incorporated in the metabolism processes of all nutrients, including carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
-Electrolytes are electronically charged minerals that balance the bodies essential fluids. A key component of epsom salt.