-Not much. Just a couple things to keep in mind here. Don't shave or wax before floating. As the salt could irritate your skin. We provide Vaseline for small cuts. Please do not wear any hair or skin products prior to floating.
-Nope. You can bring your swim suit, but most people prefer to float in the nude. You are in your own private room.
-Nada. Just you. You are welcome to bring any post shower products such as deodorant, hair brush, etc. We have a wide selection of invigorating lotions and creams in our wash room.
-A light meal. Try to eat a few hours before the float so you won't be needing to use the bathroom in the middle of your session. Also avoid caffeine a few hours prior to entering the pod.
-We have an entire parking lot, right in front of the building dedicated to you.
-The more the better. The first float is an amazing experience. However it gets better the more you do it.
-Floating in a float tank or pod is an experience like no other. One of ultimate peace and relaxation in which you spend one hour in a private, specialized pod filled with 10 inches water and approximately 1000 pounds of highly-saturated epsom salt, causing one to float completely effortlessly atop the water at near zero-gravity. This environment has a wide range of benefits and applications for health, personal development, physical performance, spirituality, and well-being. Learn More
-Absolutely. We use Micron Filtration, Ultra Violet Rays, and Ozone Generators to keep the water at it's cleanest. Even better, our powerful filtration system ensures that every drop of water is filtered 9 times in between floats, providing our guests with the most sanitary environment possible.
-Magic. Magnesium Sulfate is a mineral which has been shown to help detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, trigger the release of endorphins (happy chemicals), and provide relief for physical, mental, and emotional stress & fatigue.
-It's up to you. We offer 60 and 90 minute float sessions. If you want to float any longer just let us know and we can work something out.
-Negative. Epsom salt will inhibit the water from saturating your skin.
-Anyone with skin rashes, infection, seizure prone, suicidal, or post natal. If you are uncertain always consult your physician.
-Yes. Pregnant women have used floating to relieve the stress on their bodies for decades. If you’re in your first trimester or have any concerns, please consult with your doctor before booking a float.
-No worries. Floating in the pod is more like floating in outer space than being in a confined area. The pods are spacious, measuring 8x5. They are not air tight, so air circulates. You are in complete control as you can leave the lights on in the pod or crack the lid.
-Yup. Just use the same protocol you’d use for a swimming pool.
-While under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
-If you just recently had your hair colored and it is not set in (bleeding out).
-If you have any open cuts or sores.